Risky, but well executed
Always a risk to put a political flash up, so you should be commended for having the courage to take so strong a stand in such a public forum. The risk, particularly on a site like this, is that people who disagree with your political view will rate your flash badly -- not based on its merit, but on its content. I think you are a very talented artist and clearly a very skilled animator. I would caution you against focusing those efforts in such a polarizing way. Doing so forces the viewer to evaluate your message instead of your flash -- and the value of one may be compromised by the other. [If that doesn't bother you, then more power to you. But I think you could have more success and acclaim from your audience if you did something more inoffensive/alienating to a large portion of them.]
The flash itself is excellently done -- good sounds, great style. The politicization is a major turn off though, for me and it would appear for a number of your reviewers as well. I love the book, but, my advice, for what it's worth would be to save the heavy politics for class, and keep to lighter subject matter on NG.
Very good work.